Kategoria:The Keshe Foundation

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Mehran Tavakoli Keshe. Żródło: Keshe Foundation, 2016

Fundacja Keshe jest niezależną, bezwyznaniową organizacją non-profit założoną przez inżyniera jądrowego Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, która ma na celu rozwój nowej wiedzy naukowej, nowych technologii i nowych rozwiązań dla głównych problemów globalnych, takich jak głód, niedobór wody, brak zasilania elektrycznego, zmiany klimatyczne i choroby, dzięki zastosowaniu specjalnie opracowanych reaktorów plazmowych, które również zapewnią ludzkości możliwość podróżowania w kosmosie.

Mehran Tavakoli Keshe urodził się w Iranie w 1958 roku jako syn inżyniera rentgenowskiego. Został wprowadzony do świata promieniowania i nauki nuklearnej w bardzo młodym wieku. W 1981 r. ukończył Queen Mary College na Uniwersytecie Londyńskim jako inżynier jądrowy specjalizujący się w kontroli systemów reaktorów. Od tego momentu spędził lata na wykańczaniu systemu do produkcji grawitacji i energii, wykorzystując reaktor radioaktywny zasilany wodorem, który jest czysty i bezpieczny. Określił wszystkie aspekty projektowania nowego systemu jądrowego w plazmie od samego początku do obecnego etapu, który obejmuje: projekt, paliwo, testy i praktyczne zastosowania. Skoncentrował się na ukończeniu pełnego zakresu swojej technologii, aby wprowadzić ją do świata nauki i przemysłu. Prawo własności intelektualnych związane z tą technologią przeniesiono do Stichting the Keshe Foundation.
Pola magnetyczne. Źródło: Keshe Foundation, 2016
Nałożenie pól magnetycznych prowadzi do pól magnetycznych i grawitacyjnych. Źródło: Keshe Foundation, 2016

Sedno/Esencja Technologii Keshe

Magnetic Fields Defined

Począwszy od teorii E = MC² Alberta Einsteina, naukowo akceptowanym faktem jest, że masa zamienia się w energię i vice versa. Oznacza to, że zarówno masa, jak i energia muszą być z natury takie same.

Wszystko, co istnieje w całym stworzeniu, składa się z "pól magnetycznych". Pola te mają dwie właściwości ferromagnetyzmu - przyciąganie i odpychanie. Przeciwległe bieguny przyciągają się, podczas gdy te same bieguny odpychają się nawzajem.

Wszystkie zjawiska w całym stworzeniu wynikają z różnych interakcji pól magnetycznych.

Magnetical and Gravitational Fields Defined

A superposition of magnetic fields, which create an outward directed force from the respective centre (an outward field flow), Keshe refers to as Magnetic (capital M) or, for better distinction in spoken language, Magnetical, which is a word introduced by Keshe for this special purpose. The reverse superposition of magnetic fields that develop an inward directed force towards the respective centre (an inward field flow) Keshe refers to as Gravitational (capital G).

Magnetical field flow releases fields to the environment and are therefore available to organisms that require them, while Gravitational field flow absorbs fields from the environment. Gravitation field flow will absorb for example fields from an organism that has fields in abundance that it does not require or that are the wrong fields for the organism.

What is Plasma?

Every physical object (electron, atom, grain of sand, plant, animal, human, planet, star, galaxy, universe, etc.) is nothing more than an accumulations of magnetic fields which Keshe refers to as plasmatic magnetic fields. These plasmatic magnetic fields consist of a huge quantity of individual magnetic fields. Plasmatic magnetic fields are three dimensional, the movement and area of which is determined by the individual magnetic fields within the object. Each of these plasmatic objects is referred to as a plasma and is defined by the field content within it.

The Keshe Foundation does not use the word plasma in the same way that it is used in standard physics. The Foundation does not refer to the state of an ionized gas when they say "plasma." Plasma is defined by the Foundation as the entire content of fields which accumulate and create an object. It is NOT defined by its physical characteristics like ionization and temperature, for example. Plasma refers exclusively to the properties of the fields of which an object consists.

In most cases, fields extend far beyond the physical boundaries of the object in question. As well, there are field compositions (plasmas) that are already detached from their physical source and are moving in a non-physical form (as a pure field body) through space to another physical (or non-physical) object. The movement of these field conglomerations is considered to be a kind of “flowing.” The Foundation therefore defines energy as fields that move and flow in space from point A to point B.

GANS do "wytwarzania" pól magnetycznych i grawitacyjnych. Źródło: Keshe Foundation, 2016

What is GANS?

Certain atoms and molecules release and/or absorb Magnetic and/or Gravitation fields. Released fields are available to be absorbed by other objects. The Keshe Foundation has developed a way in which to gather these free flowing fields from the environment within a usable substance which Keshe named GANS.

An organism for example will emit fields it wants to separate itself from (rid itself of) and will absorb fields that it can use or that it has an urgent need for. The prerequisite is that the appropriate fields for absorption must be available within the immediate environment of the organism.

Schematyczny widok urządzenia balansującego na bazie cewek plazmowych. Żródło: Keshe Foundation, 2016

A tool was developed by the Foundation which consists of components that can absorb fields and create GANS; a substance that exists in a special state of aggregation. Different types of GANS can be created with different desirable energetic properties that can be used individually or in combination for different applications. Each type of GANS has specific field strength depending on the chemical elements within the GANS.

The use of different GANS' with different field strengths or the use of nano-coated double coils with plasma batteries causes a directed field flow from the stronger to the weaker fields.

If these field fluxes are directed through an organism, the organism has the opportunity to absorb the needed parts of these field fluxes or to release a surplus of fields to the environment or they can be collected into a usable GANS.

With this technology, the self-healing powers of the organism are supported at the level of the fields that build up the organism itself. Therefore, the need for chemical agents and processes are not required because healing occurs at the level of Magnetic field interaction.

Plasma Coils

Plasma coils are made of two nano-coated double coils. Each double coil consists of two coils that are wound and wired in a specific way (coil blueprints are available on the Keshe Foundation website). The two double coils are mounted at 90 degrees to each other. Different types and combinations of GANS' are placed on the coils to create different fields strengths. At the center of the double coils a field is created.

An organism is made of fields and can be placed between the coils of a device the Keshe Foundation calls a Plasma Coil Unit. At the centre of the unit, within the space in which the organism would be situated, the Gravitational and Magnetical fields, created at the centre of the coils, interact with the fields of the organism. The strength of the fields created by the coils does not diminish because the coils constantly attract and gather fields from the environment. As a result of the interaction of the fields of the coils and those of the organism, a balancing takes place. The organism experiences a balancing as do the coils. The procedure is complete when the organism and coils find balance.

This is a test,


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