Kategoria:Soul teachings: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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Linia 114: Linia 114:
== 195th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 26, 2017 ==
== 195th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 26, 2017 ==
Linia 161: Linia 160:
== 194th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 19, 2017 ==
== 194th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 19, 2017 ==
Linia 192: Linia 192:
== 193rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thursday, October 12, 2017 ==
== 193rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thursday, October 12, 2017 ==

Wersja z 13:54, 21 lut 2018

Spis treści

198th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 16, 2017

The work of the Soul and the connections with its Physicality

52:21 - 1:07:07 Extract from 198th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 16, 2017 https://youtu.be/oQcKC9qDPG0?t=52m21s

In Space we do not need Planet, to manifest ourselves

1:07:07 - 1:11:16 Extract from 198th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 16, 2017 https://youtu.be/oQcKC9qDPG0?t=1h7m7s

It’s the Wish of our physical Soul which dictates the new environment

1:11:16 - 1:19:47 Extract from 198th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 16, 2017 https://youtu.be/oQcKC9qDPG0?t=1h11m16s

At the time of death the Soul of Physicality moves within the Soul of the Man

1:19:47 - 1:26:52 Extract from 198th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 16, 2017 https://youtu.be/oQcKC9qDPG0?t=1h19m47s

The Balance of Peace in respect to understanding the Totality of the Creation

1:26:52 - 1:32:00 Extract from 198th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 16, 2017 https://youtu.be/oQcKC9qDPG0?t=1h26m52s

The Soul of the Man, as you see, and the physical Soul of the Man have to be at Peace

1:32:00 - 1:38:28 Extract from 198th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 16, 2017 https://youtu.be/oQcKC9qDPG0?t=1h32m

There is no religion but the Peace of Soul of the Man

1:38:28 - 1:44:24 Extract from 198th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 16, 2017 https://youtu.be/oQcKC9qDPG0?t=1h38m28s


197th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 9, 2017

A Wish comes from the Soul of the physical part of the body of the Man

1:34:53 - 1:49:24 Extract from 197th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 9, 2017 https://youtu.be/CAdyNDHa8LQ?t=1h34m53s

Our Wishes of Peace are moving in a direction which was impossible to imagine

1:49:24 - 1:52:22 Extract from 197th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 9, 2017 https://youtu.be/CAdyNDHa8LQ?t=1h49m24s

As Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, my Wish has come True

1:52:22 - 1:58:00 Extract from 197th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 9, 2017 https://youtu.be/CAdyNDHa8LQ?t=1h52m22s

The connection between my Wish and my Soul (with drawings)

1:58:00 - 2:22:10 Extract from 197th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 9, 2017 https://youtu.be/CAdyNDHa8LQ?t=1h58m

The time of punishment and fear is over

2:22:10 - 2:31:52 Extract from 197th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 9, 2017 https://youtu.be/CAdyNDHa8LQ?t=2h22m10s

The wish explained like the gravity and the inertia

2.31:52 - 2:34:09 Extract from 197th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 9, 2017 https://youtu.be/CAdyNDHa8LQ?t=2h31m52s


196th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 2, 2017

How can you let a Soul of another person see what you see, with your Soul?

11:40 - 18:58 Extract from 196th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 2, 2017 https://youtu.be/kaRpnPO4H7g?t=11m53s

Earth is like a Galaxy, with so many Stars

18:58 - 23:07 Extract from 196th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 2, 2017 https://youtu.be/kaRpnPO4H7g?t=18m58s

Peace by elevation of Souls

23:07 - 32:51 Extract from 196th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 2, 2017 https://youtu.be/kaRpnPO4H7g?t=23m7s

Make the reactor of your Soul, the reactor of the change

32:51 - 44:20 Extract from 196th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 2, 2017 https://youtu.be/kaRpnPO4H7g?t=32m51s

Let the elevation of their Soul be the Peace for Man

44:20 - 46:14 Extract from 196th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 2, 2017 https://youtu.be/kaRpnPO4H7g?t=44m20s

Trust in oneself's strength of the Soul

46:14 - 54:42 Extract from 196th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 2, 2017 https://youtu.be/kaRpnPO4H7g?t=46m14s

The Universe is the oyster for those Souls who serve

54:42 - 57:00 Extract from 196th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 2, 2017 https://youtu.be/kaRpnPO4H7g?t=54m42s

Now it's time for the Man to move the causes of the war

57:00 - 1:05:11 Extract from 196th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 2, 2017 https://youtu.be/kaRpnPO4H7g?t=57m

Now we have to understand the conduct of the Soul

1:05:11 - 1:12:40 Extract from 196th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 2, 2017 https://youtu.be/kaRpnPO4H7g?t=1h5m11s

The operation of the Earth

1:12:40 - 1:17:58 Extract from 196th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 2, 2017 https://youtu.be/kaRpnPO4H7g?t=1h12m40s

The keys for the Peace on this Planet

1:17:58 - 1:35:25 Extract from 196th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 2, 2017 https://youtu.be/kaRpnPO4H7g?t=1h17m58s

The time of change is here

1:35:25 - 1:47:31 Extract from 196th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 2, 2017 https://youtu.be/kaRpnPO4H7g?t=1h35m25s

I have walked you into the path of Peace

1:47:31- 1:56:20 Extract from 196th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - November 2, 2017 https://youtu.be/kaRpnPO4H7g?t=1h47m31s

195th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 26, 2017

Soul Revolution and Wishing

11:46 - 15:03 Extract from 195th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 26, 2017 https://youtu.be/dLSuKtjKMBA?t=11m46s

You are in a mosaic of Fields and every other entity in the Universe has a say in your Wish

15:03 - 16:54 Extract from 195th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 26, 2017 https://youtu.be/dLSuKtjKMBA?t=15m3s

In the Universe there are many nomads

16:54 - 24:47 Extract from 195th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 26, 2017 https://youtu.be/dLSuKtjKMBA?t=16m54s

The Mutation of elements

24:47 - 40:57 Extract from 195th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 26, 2017 https://youtu.be/dLSuKtjKMBA?t=24m47s

I feed through my Soul my fellow Man

40:57 - 51:54 Extract from 195th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 26, 2017 https://youtu.be/dLSuKtjKMBA?t=40m57s

Transmutation of the Fields into the elements

51:54 - 1:02:12 Extract from 195th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 26, 2017 https://youtu.be/dLSuKtjKMBA?t=51m54s

My wish is Peace

1:02:12 - 1:16:12 Extract from 195th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 26, 2017 https://youtu.be/dLSuKtjKMBA?t=1h2m12s

The virgin birth / the child of the souls

1:16:12 - 1:41:55 Extract from 195th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 26, 2017 https://youtu.be/dLSuKtjKMBA?t=1h16m12s

Understand the interaction of the Fields

1:41:55 - 2:03:45 Extract from 195th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 26, 2017 https://youtu.be/dLSuKtjKMBA?t=1h41m55s

Understanding Emotions

2:03:45 - 2:28:20 Extract from 195th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 26, 2017 https://youtu.be/dLSuKtjKMBA?t=2h3m45s

The process of understanding ones Soul

2:28:20- 2:46:27 Extract from 195th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 26, 2017 https://youtu.be/dLSuKtjKMBA?t=2h28m20s

194th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 19, 2017

=== Who are we in the body of the Universe? === 12:37- 24:27 Extract from 194th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 19, 2017 

=== The rainbows of the Universe/ The reality of the Soul of the Man === 24:27 - 33:35 Extract from 194th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 19, 2017

=== Interaction with another Soul === 33:35 - 39:01 Extract from 194th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 19, 2017 

Feeding the physicality through the Soul of the Man

39:01 - 47:29 Extract from 194th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 19, 2017

The rivers of the Universe and the Oasis System of the Soul of the man

47:29 - 1:01:35 Extract from 194th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 19, 2017

=== The maturity of the understanding === 1:01:35 - 1:11:27 Extract from 194th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 19, 2017

The end of kingships

1:11:27 - 1:22:40 Extract from 194th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - October 19, 2017

193rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thursday, October 12, 2017

Ethos of the Universe - How to manifest yourself in Deeper Space.

51:29 - 58:10 Extract from 193rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thursday, October 12, 2017 https://youtu.be/D9s4mCVtKBo?t=51m29s

Interacting with others

58:10 - 1:07:12 Extract from 193rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thursday, October 12, 2017 https://youtu.be/D9s4mCVtKBo?t=58m10s

Manifest what you need in Deeper Space

01:07:32 - 1:13:12 Extract from 193rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thursday, October 12, 2017 https://youtu.be/D9s4mCVtKBo?t=1h7m32s

The physicians of the Universe

1:13:12 - 1:23:00 Extract from 193rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Thursday, October 12, 2017 https://youtu.be/D9s4mCVtKBo?t=1h13m12s


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