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Welcome to the KF Wiki,
WIKI pomaga nam, na całym świecie, pracować razem nad jednym dokumentem, aby doświadczyć poczucia pracy jako jedna Dusza w jednym celu: przedstawieniu wiedzy o Plazmie ludzkości, aby elewować Duszę człowieka, aby otworzyć się na Uniwersalną Wspólnotę.
This WIKI supports all people around this world, adopting Keshe Plasma Technologies. The main content is compressed and summarized from the KFSSI’s (Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institutes: http://www.keshefoundation.org, http://www.cancerprocessing.org) “teachings” which were held by Mehran Tavakoli Keshe at the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute and from knowledge-seekers all over the world, who develop these technologies further. All participants of the teachings at KFSSI signed The World Peace Treaty; a contract with yourself in which you state that you lay down all tools of aggression here on Earth. If you would like to sign the Treaty, you can download it here: http://www.keshefoundation.org/worldpeacetreaty/WorldPeaceTreaty.pdf
Within this WIKI you will find information and tools to balance your life and to bring peace to our wonderful world.
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